LenzSDK.podspec.json 1.5 KB

  1. {
  2. "name": "LenzSDK",
  3. "version": "2.0.2",
  4. "summary": "A short description of LenzSDK.",
  5. "description": "this is the long description",
  6. "homepage": "",
  7. "license": {
  8. "type": "MIT",
  9. "file": "LICENSE"
  10. },
  11. "authors": {
  12. "76930516@qq.com": "wangzhaowei1991@gmail.com"
  13. },
  14. "source": {
  15. "git": "",
  16. "tag": "2.0.2"
  17. },
  18. "platforms": {
  19. "ios": "11.0"
  20. },
  21. "source_files": "LenzCameraNativeModuleForRN/Classes/**/*",
  22. "resource_bundles": {
  23. "LenzCameraNativeModuleForRN": [
  24. "LenzCameraNativeModuleForRN/Assets/*.{png,jpeg,jpg,storyboard,xib,xcassets,strings,tflite}",
  25. "LenzCameraNativeModuleForRN/Classes/inner/**/*.{png,jpeg,jpg,storyboard,xib,xcassets,strings}"
  26. ]
  27. },
  28. "public_header_files": "LenzCameraNativeModuleForRN/Classes/headers/*.h",
  29. "frameworks": [
  30. "UIKit",
  31. "MapKit",
  32. "WebKit",
  33. "AdSupport",
  34. "Accelerate",
  35. "MediaPlayer",
  36. "CoreData",
  37. "SystemConfiguration",
  38. "CoreServices",
  39. "AssetsLibrary",
  40. "CoreTelephony",
  41. "CoreMotion",
  42. "Photos",
  43. "AVFoundation",
  44. "CoreMedia"
  45. ],
  46. "vendored_frameworks": [
  47. "LenzTensorFlowSDK.framework",
  48. "LenzStitchSDK.framework"
  49. ],
  50. "libraries": [
  51. "c++",
  52. "z"
  53. ],
  54. "dependencies": {
  55. "Masonry": [
  56. "1.1.0"
  57. ],
  58. "YYText": [
  59. ],
  60. "SVProgressHUD": [
  61. "~> 2.2.5"
  62. ],
  63. "OpenCV2": [
  64. "~> 4.3.0"
  65. ],
  66. "TensorFlowLite": [
  67. "~> 1.13.1"
  68. ]
  69. }
  70. }